Str8ts – Medium

Str8ts - Medium
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About Str8ts

Str8ts (also known as "Straights") is a logic puzzle invented by Jeff Widderich (Canada). The puzzle consists of a grid that is partially divided into compartments by black cells. Each compartment, whether vertical or horizontal, must contain a straight—a set of consecutive numbers in any order (e.g., 2-1-3-4).

The goal is to fill all white cells with numbers from 1 to N, where N is the grid size.

Basic Rules

  • Each compartment must form a straight (a sequence of consecutive numbers in any order).
  • No number may be repeated in any row or column.
  • Black cells divide the compartments and are not part of any straight.
  • If a black cell contains a number, that number cannot be used in the same row or column.

Basic Solving Tips

  • Look for black cell clues: Numbers in black cells eliminate possibilities in that row and column.
  • Identify potential straights: If a compartment is length 3, it must contain a sequence like (4-5-6) or (7-6-5), etc.
  • Use row/column uniqueness: Since numbers can’t repeat in a row or column, eliminate impossible placements.
  • Fill in small compartments first: A 2-cell compartment can only be (1-2), (2-3), etc., making them easy to solve early.