Sudoku 16×16 – Medium

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About Sudoku 16x16
Sudoku 16x16 is a variant of the classic Sudoku puzzle, but, as the name implies, it is played on a larger grid of 16x16 squares. Some of the squares already contain numbers, and the objective is to fill in the remaining squares.
Basic Rules
- Grid Structure: The puzzle consists of a 16x16 grid, which is further divided into 4x4 subgrids or regions.
- Pre-filled Numbers: Some cells in the grid are pre-filled with numbers from 1 to 16.
- Objective: The goal is to fill the empty cells in such a way that each row, column, and region contains the numbers 1 through 16 without any repetition.
Additional Rules
- Unique Numbers: Every number from 1 to 16 must appear exactly once in each row, column, and 4x4 region.
Basic Solving Tips
- Single Possibility: If a square has only one possible number that can be placed there, fill it in.
- Elimination: Determine what numbers cannot be in a square and eliminate them as possibilities, making it easier to see what can be placed there.
- Subgrid to Grid: Solve numbers in a subgrid and use that information to solve for numbers in the larger grid.
- Look for Grid Symmetry: Often, the placement of numbers will be symmetric, which can provide clues for placing additional numbers.
- Double Pairs: If two squares in a row, column, or region can only be two numbers (a pair), then eliminate these two numbers from other squares in that area.