Sudoku 6×6 – Hard

Sudoku 6x6 - Hard
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About Sudoku 6x6

Sudoku 6x6 is a variant of the classic Sudoku puzzle, tailored to be more accessible and often used as an introductory version of the puzzle. It features a 6x6 grid, which is divided into smaller 2x3 regions. Some cells within the grid are pre-filled with numbers, serving as clues to aid in solving.
Basic Rules
  1. Grid Structure: The puzzle consists of a 6x6 grid, which is further divided into 2x3 subgrids/regions.
  2. Pre-filled Numbers: Some cells are pre-filled with numbers 1 through 6, serving as clues.
  3. Objective: The goal is to fill the empty cells in such a way that each row, column, and region contains the numbers 1 through 6 without any repetition.
Additional Rules
  • No Repetition: A number cannot appear more than once in a single row, column, or 2x3 region.
  • Use of Numbers: Only numbers 1 through 6 are used to fill the grid.
Basic Solving Tips
  1. Single Possibility: If a cell has only one possible number that can be placed in it, fill it in.
  2. Exclusion: Identify numbers that cannot be in a particular cell, to narrow down the possibilities.
  3. Row and Column Checking: Ensure that each number appears once and only once in each row and column.
  4. Region Checking: Similarly, ensure each number appears once in each 2x3 region.
  5. Pencil Marks: Use pencil marks to note down possible numbers for a cell, and update them as you progress.